Tag-Archive for » autumn «

Thursday, September 28th, 2017 | Author:

When people first see this abstract looking image they often think that the colors were manipulated in photoshop. Far from it. In fact, getting these kind of results depends on learning to see the colors as your camera sees them. In this example, the color of the leaves is influenced by the blue tones of light in the shade and the sky. The water is reflecting the color of the fall foliage still on the trees. If you use auto white balance settings on your camera this color would be “balanced” out of the image. I used daylight white balance when I created this image which captured the tones as I wanted .

I created this image at Big South Fork NRA which is the site of a workshop this Fall, October 26-29th, 2017 that I will be leading with Ron Rice. For more details click HERE.

Friday, January 06th, 2017 | Author:

Dawn in the Grand Tetons National Park.

Wednesday, February 17th, 2016 | Author:

An image from the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina this Fall.

Photo © Byron Jorjorian http://www.byronjorjorian.com

Thursday, December 18th, 2014 | Author:

One of the most rewarding things about the art of photography for me lies in finding a new and different way of seeing the familiar. One day in late fall I was wandering around a small waterfall. I stopped for a moment to absorb and observe the moment. I stood there  mesmerized by the sound and the motion. Gradually this composition evolved before me and I was moved to create this image.

“We usually don’t look. We overlook.”  Alan Watts.

Photo © Byron Jorjorian www.byronjorjorian.com

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013 | Author:

Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 | Author:

I had my eye on this Gingko tree for several days before the right conditions presented themselves for this photograph. The tree fairly glowed in the heavy fog at sunrise and I had only a few minutes to set up and get the image. Within 5-6 minute the fog burned off and this special moment was gone.

Photograph © Byron Jorjorian
