Tag-Archive for » Redwood National Park «

Sunday, September 20th, 2015 | Author:


While I was in Oregon I made a side trip to one of my favorite destinations, Redwoods National Park in California. I watched the weather as I approached the area from the north. The closer I got the brighter and clearer the day became. Bright contrasty conditions are generally terrible for photography in the forest. I pressed on anyway and when I arrived at the trailhead the light was so harsh that I considered not making the 4 mile hike I had originally planned.

“I’m here now might as well go for it and hope for another gift from nature” I thought. I hiked about a mile and a half  and just as I reached the ridge and began my descent toward the ocean a beautiful fog rolled in from the ocean. The forest was aglow with beautiful light, a gift from Nature.

Photo © Byron Jorjorian www.byronjorjorian.com