5 Secrets That Make Black & White Art Fine Photography So Special

Black and white art fine photography is definitely one of the most fascinating and inspiring forms of the art of photography.  It contains every imaginable trait within it, bold and subtle, mysterious and open, natural and unusual, emotional and impassive, raw and refined, simple and complex, harsh and soft, clear and dark, ying and yang.

Black and white photography is known since the early ages of the art, however; recently it has become something more, black and white art fine photography has been rediscovered as a profound and dramatic way of expressing feelings and sensations to really shock the viewer.

Here are five powerful secrets that make black and white art fine photography so special for interior design and decorating:

  1. A professional black and white photographer has a certain sixth sense.  He can actually envision the beauty or chaos of the world without color.  He has trained his mind to substitute color for contrast and tone.  We can say that he has trained his mind to see color in grayscale tones in order to make an image come to life.  Only very skilled and experienced photographers achieve this, as it is knowledge that is obtained with time.  To acquire a monochrome vision, the photographer must make a conscious effort through extensive practice; he experiments with his own work in order to master the art of shadow and light.
  2. Contrast produces strong emotions, and black and white art fine photography is all about emotion.  One will never imagine how many feelings and sensations are hidden in between a scale of grays until you understand that the human eye picks up on two things: light intensity and color.  When one is removed, in this case color, the eye becomes more sensitive to the light intensity, allowing us to notice strong areas of contrast within an image.  The black and white art fine photography expert delivers the message through contrast, because he identifies what matters and what doesn’t, and looks for the inherent contrast in life to create a bigger impact through the grayscales.
  3. Texture is a type of contrast but it is perceived in a very different way.  Texture in art fine photography can be defined as the regular and irregular outline of lights and shadows at different concentrations.  Black and white art fine photography gives itself to texture; when color is present, it adds more complexity to the image, softening the textures and the drama.  Think and see the impact a black and white texture subject under deep contrast can create:

  4. Strangely enough, a black and white photograph should never be shot in black and white.  Any camera will be capturing color when the shot is taken and later it will be converting it into black and white.  A professional photographer knows that the dramatic effect of black and white art fine photography comes from the conversion of color, and editing the image in color ‘manually’ will bring the best out of the photo and the strongest emotion out of the viewer.
  5. Black and white art fine photography uses color filters to manipulate the tones that are captured.  A lot of the drama and intensity you see in black and white photographs is created through these filters, making it possible to reach the soul of the viewer through his or her eyes.

Have you ever heard about Byron Jorjorian?  You should, if you are interested in art fine photography.  Byron specializes in shooting nature, and his photographs are a tribute to the beauty, mystery, drama and perfection of the world around us.

Byron masters both color and black and white art fine photography; in fact, all his images can be converted into black and white witnesses of the magic nature brings into our daily lives. 

If your project involves bringing nature into the space, to make it come alive and speak to its users, you have to browse our galleries, which are full of nature art fine photography with a message of peace, harmony, love, balance, strength, power, simplicity, silence, perfection, life and drama.

We know our business and we know yours, this is why we have a simple, practical and very attractive platform to work with Trade Professionals, in order to give you the best support to simplify your work while you get the best art fine photography you can imagine for your space.  Byron works hand in hand with you to understand your concept and produce the images you envisioned and that will make your project a winner. 

If you wish to create a space that conveys feeling and carries a message, take a look at our galleries and Contact us right away, because we have the perfect complement for it, art fine photography that brings nature into everyone’s daily life and reminds us of our origins and what really matters. 

What better place to find contrast and the perfect balance it encloses?  Nature in itself is chaos and is perfect harmony; the right image teaches us that there is always a way, there is always a place in peace, there is always light and dark, and the beauty of life will always prevail.